This is the Promises of God Podcast and I’m your host, Tracie Rollins. This podcast is about you, your ability to hear and believe and take action on God’s promises in your life because all of God’s promises are yes and amen. Resources mentioned in today’s episode can be found on Now, let’s get started.

Welcome back to the Promises of God Podcast, episode number 22 my name is Tracie Rollins, and I want to thank you so much for spending some time with me as we learn and take action on God’s promises in life. This month series is about having confidence, and we’re working on or the momentum devotional offered by Bible journey ministries, and it’s titled Unshakable Confidence. You can learn more about Bible journaling with their free 10-day Bible journaling course at BibleJournalingMinistries.Com today we’re answering the question, what is confidence In our verse is First Kings  8: 57 and I’ll read that out of the new international version. It says, may the Lord our God, be with us as he was with our ancestors. May He never leave us nor forsake us. God is always with you. He will never leave you. And if that’s the case, why is it so hard to walk into that meeting, take that test or speak at the podium with all of the confidence in the world

Perhaps because we as humans seek self-confidence instead of confidence in God, but what is faith anyway According to the dictionary Confidence is the feeling or belief that you can rely on someone or something. It’s real from a trust. I can remember back to when my littles were at the park and they wanted to climb the monkey bars, and they would get up on the top of the ladder to barely get their fingers wrapped around the first rung of the monkey bars. And they would look at me, and they would say, mom, mom, come over here and help me. Because they had that time, believed that they could rely on me and they did, and I didn’t let them fall. They trusted that they could do the monkey bars with me first, holding them eventually with me just by their side with my hands, kind of, you know, they’re ready in case they needed to fall.

And then eventually with me just watching and then without me. What happens when your confidence is shaken. What if you don’t believe you can do what it is that God is calling you to do As a follower of Jesus, confidence goes beyond self-assurance. It’s rooted in what God has done for you rather than what you have achieved. You don’t need to progress to the highest ranks in your career or have thousands of wins in your corner to have confidence you don’t need. That. Confidence can be achieved by knowing what God has done for you and focusing your efforts on the things that bring him glory. You don’t need to have an Mba or a very expensive college degree or even a college degree for that matter. What God has you to do in your life, he is preparing you for today and maybe you don’t have all of the resources that you think you need right away and therefore maybe you are not confident in progressing within that step.

I would encourage you to pray to God, ask him to reveal the resources that you’re supposed to use today. Ask him to give you his confidence that you can take that next step. It is so hard to take that first step. Just like my kids when they were on the monkey bars and just had their little fingers wrapped around that first small ring and they’re afraid, and it’s hard. What if I fall? And what was so funny as, as an adult, you look at like what if they do fall and you know, where my kids were playing in the monkey bars, there was always sand at the bottom or some kind of like soft, rubbery, you know, foundation. And if they weren’t going to fall, they probably, you know, maybe scrape their leg at most. And, but as a child and as a child that didn’t have, you know, confidence, um, relying on a parent nearby, you know, to have that confidence to take that next step to go to the next rung, right. That’s important for them. And then as they continue to practice and as you know, you know, parents keep showing up and, and helping them and, and they believe that parents will be there when they need them, then they can continue to grow and thrive — the same thing with us as adults. You know, as you have confidence in God and believe in him and he shows up in your life, you continue to have that same confidence in him.

Um, there, the verse itself for Today Is First, first kings eight 57. Again, it says, the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. He’s like that parent that is right there ready for you when you’re on your monkey bars, right when you’re taking that step that you’re just not prepared to make this week. I hope that you will take some time to write or journal about what God has done for you in the past that helps you have confidence in him. And if you’re here today and you’re struggling with confidence in God, I encourage you to start a conversation with him. It’s effortless. You don’t need a special prayer. Um, if you know that confidence originates in God, but maybe even light on your self-confidence and strayed from his path, you know, you can come back. You’re not promised tomorrow. And I, you know, encourage you not to put off Romans 6:23 says, the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus our Lord. So turned to him, confess your sins and follow his will and your life, and you will feel the love of Christ that surpasses all understanding. I want to thank you for tuning in today, and I’m excited to talk to you more about confidence in our next episode of the Promises of God Podcast. Thank you and have a great day. Bye.

Thanks for listening to the Promises of God Podcast. This podcast is sponsored by Bible Journaling Ministries where thousands of women grow in the word creatively. It’s your free 10-day course for other ministries and other episodes resources at ThePromisesofGodPodcast.Com.


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